With over over 16 years of experience in the fields of Human Resources, Corporate Recruiting, Employee Development and Personality Assessment, Jason Fleming puts his varied content knowledge and passions to use as a Professional Counseling Astrologer in Raleigh, North Carolina. He takes a holistic approach and offers personalized consultations that are specifically tailored to the needs of his clients with focuses on personal development and growth.
Jason describes himself as a seeker and a searcher. In this interview he gives an ample amount of insight into his career, debunks the “one size fits all” belief surrounding Astrology and gives advice to those who are considering a pathway in Astrology. He emphasizes the importance of serving as a reliable guide to assist others in their journey of self discovery and authenticity.
What inspired, you to create your own astrology consulting business and what is your role in this space?
I’ve always been extremely curious and interested about what makes others tick while simultaneously traveling on my own journey of self-awareness. I’m a seeker and a searcher and Astrology is a language that speaks to me deeply. I also have a background in HR and Recruiting. So, I was already looking at the resumes of individuals and asking them important questions about what fulfills them in life and what their greatest aspirations are. The way I figure it, the birth chart is just another type of “resume”, it’s your celestial one.
Are there any preconceived notions or assumptions that people have about Astrology and yourself?
Absolutely. There are people who feel Astrology is for the naïve and it’s just a “one size fits all” proposition and it’s strictly for entertainment. Or, because I have the sun in Sagittarius, I’m supposed to fit a cookie cutter personality mold.
What you do isn’t considered “the norm” in terms of career paths, especially when thinking of tradition. It’s inspiring to see a black man in this space, contributing positivity through education and assisting others in their search for self-knowledge. What challenges have you faced as an astrologer and how have you progressed?
Thank you. I’m glad that you find it inspiring. The challenges that I’ve faced are mainly ones that deal with balancing being in business for yourself with self-care. Also, understanding the ebbs and flows of clientele and making the proper arrangements for those cycles.
I believe in honoring the multi-dimensional nature of human beings. I never want to practice Astrology that’s reductive.
I read that your approach to astrology is holistic. Can you elaborate?
By holistic, I mean that my approach considers the whole person. We’re not just comprised of our Sun sign. We have an entire astrological chart which suggests a mixture of energies. I believe in honoring the multi-dimensional nature of human beings. I never want to practice Astrology that’s reductive. If anything, I think that Astrology should expand our concept of self rather than limit it.
At one point, all I knew of astrology were zodiacs and the daily horoscopes on the web, but it wasn’t too long ago that I was introduced to what a birth chart is. I’m still learning and trying to understand the connection with the universe and my birth. What is a birth chart and where do individuals like myself start?
A birth chart is like a freeze-frame or snapshot of the planetary positions at the time of your birth. It can serve as a guide in regard to recognizing constructive potentials and confronting challenges in your life which can ultimately lead to growth. For people that want to study, I have a book list and I also offer beginner’s and intermediate classes. There are also trusted websites like astro.com which provide solid information.
I usually seek refuge through quiet and contemplative nights at home just having conversations with trusted friends, listening to music, reading or writing.
You connect with and help many with your gift. Where do you seek refuge when you need inspiration, self reflection and overall understanding?
I usually seek refuge through quiet and contemplative nights at home just having conversations with trusted friends, listening to music, reading or writing. Those types of activities inspire me and generate fresh ideas. They serve as a powerful source of renewal in my life.
Let’s talk about the services you offer such as consultations and classes. What can newcomers gain from what you have to offer?
As far as the consultations are concerned, I think this is one of the best ways for people to become familiar with the language of Astrology as well as receive insight on their potential strengths and obstacles that they need to confront and overcome in order to be more effective in their life. The classes can also be beneficial for those who are actually intent on speaking the language of Astrology and possibly moving toward becoming a practitioner. Or, having a solid grasp on the art in order to consistently use it for their personal advancement.
If anyone wants to become an astrologer, what do you recommend?
I definitely recommend a combination of classes and self-study. Also, getting information from books as well as trusted people and internet sources. There are still gems that you can find in older books which supersede information that you may find floating around internet sites.
I want people to live their own truth at a deep level and honor their astrological makeup. And, in turn, feel liberated.
What is your ultimate goal with Sagittarian Mind Consulting?
My ultimate goal is to serve as a trusted and reliable guide with the intent of assisting people in their journey to become themselves and live their life as authentically as possible. I want people to live their own truth at a deep level and honor their astrological makeup. And, in turn, feel liberated. If I’m not creating this atmosphere, I don’t feel as if I’m living my purpose.
How can we stay connected with you and your content?
I write on my blog regularly at sagmind.wordpress.com. I also tweet frequently under .
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Great interview by Terrionna Brockman from blackandgifted.com